About Us

In an era where technology transcends mere utility, it is essential that the essence of human potential is not only recognised but revered. At the heart of KOGO's ethos lies a profound respect for the boundless capabilities of the human spirit. We see AI not as agents of automation but as assistants to the human endeavour, designed to augment and amplify our innate abilities, liberating us from the confines of the mundane. We believe that every technological breakthrough must be “HumanFirst”, that empowers and unlocks the vast expanse of Human Potential


Picture of the author
Raj K Gopalakrishnan
Co-founder & CEO
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Rohan Verma
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Praveer Kochhar
CO-founder & CTO
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Joseph Kodiyil
Chief Scientist

Human First Manifesto

In an era where technology transcends mere utility, it is essential that the essence of human potential is not only recognised but revered. At the heart of KOGO's ethos lies a profound respect for the boundless capabilities of the human spirit. We see AI not as agents of automation but as assistants to the human endeavour, designed to augment and amplify our innate abilities, liberating us from the confines of the mundane. We believe that every technological breakthrough must be “HumanFirst”, that empowers and unlocks the vast expanse of Human Potential

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New Delhi, India
PIN - 110017
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840, Chirag Delhi
New Delhi 110017 India
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